Long quotes - irritated weirdo

This quote fue agregado por tristantrim
What is up with all these long quotes? They are too long. I want to type something short for a change. So here it is. The shortest quote allowed here.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
suzu_ren 108.83 96.2%
user75732 95.22 96.8%
luky 81.08 90.9%
merritt.kramer 76.80 95.5%
steffen904 70.79 97.4%
lylelin 69.36 95.0%
user62253 59.56 93.8%
cptheeclydesdale 42.03 97.4%
user82444 38.22 98.7%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
suzu_ren 108.83 96.2%
merritt.kramer 76.80 95.5%
luky 81.08 90.9%
user75732 95.22 96.8%
steffen904 70.79 97.4%
cptheeclydesdale 42.03 97.4%
user62253 59.56 93.8%
lylelin 69.36 95.0%