Are you listening music right now? - Serhii Cho

This quote fue agregado por serhii_cho
I am curious, how many people are listening music while they are typing this quote? If you are listening some sort of music right now then do me a favor and upvote this quote. If you are not listening music then downvote this. And we can see the data after a while.

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shyhamhalder 94.43 93.3%
saintpain 87.61 97.4%
mwilde 77.06 93.0%
user443124 63.93 95.7%
user464653 62.19 96.4%
machinist80 58.76 87.5%
ibbysileo 52.78 84.8%
zaraki 51.51 99.6%
user508541 49.87 84.7%
user763921 34.81 92.0%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user508541 49.87 84.7%
saintpain 87.61 97.4%
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user763921 34.81 92.0%
machinist80 58.76 87.5%
mwilde 77.06 93.0%
shyhamhalder 94.43 93.3%
heyshelbz23 13.31 58.8%