The Most Beautiful Moment in Life - BTS's RM

This quote fue agregado por shibersannie
It's nothing special. It can be your youth or anything else. It can be a period of time where something big happens... but the most beautiful time of your life is when you feel that moment truthfully with your heart, and you accept that moment. Then from the time you were born until you die, your entire life can be beautiful.

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violence_rage_momentum 4 años, 1 mes atrás
I don't wanna bleed my ears listening to crap.
Stop being b#tthurt .
I don't fackin care about your feelings and your idols.
Crap is crap.Period.
ishitaarmy7 4 años, 1 mes atrás
@violence_rage_momentum have you ever listened to kpop? If you haven't don't judge people/things before knowing them. Stop hating. We respect other idols as much as kpop idols, so stop hating and just respect the different types/genres of music.
violence_rage_momentum 4 años, 1 mes atrás
I just dking hate gaypop, it gives me cringes.
What a dumb s#it.

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