free wpm - a fellow user

This quote fue agregado por user87625
Do you want free WPM? Here is it! Just type as fast as you can without any mistakes if you can. Speed does matter but accuracy is also important. I hope you will have a nice day.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
testman123 84.84 98.3%
fjoesne 74.38 94.7%
user86463 62.11 92.7%
nawaphat 49.62 86.0%
cozy 46.48 88.3%
asher86241 44.08 95.7%
latefish79 41.79 93.7%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
nawaphat 49.62 86.0%
fjoesne 74.38 94.7%
asher86241 44.08 95.7%
testman123 84.84 98.3%
cozy 46.48 88.3%
latefish79 41.79 93.7%
user86463 62.11 92.7%