Random text - Dont worry about it (:

This quote fue agregado por lethal_lemon
I made this account about a year and a half ago and I feel like when I type whatever comes to mind, I type a lot slower. Although, if I type what the quote tells me what to type then I feel that I am able to type faster. I don't know if everyone has this experience although I found it a bit weird. I would assume that I would maybe be able to type faster when freestyle typing but I guess not. Now, this is just me stretching out this quote. Good luck, try to reach at least 60 WPM. Maybe, Idk?

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mamagibson 96.64 100%
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peartree 86.46 99.2%
hiyaman10 85.56 89.2%
sharkster16 84.08 98.0%

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