School is so boring - Denzel Benitez-Ortega

This quote fue agregado por havelocke_poci
I honestly miss the days when I got to go to school and not think about how much homework I would have. The first of many stresses in my life. The fact that school can't be about learning and that it's all about how much work you do, this is such a telling that the system is fundamentally broken.

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essdyn 1 año, 2 meses atrás
It's because they are actually preparing you for the workforce
user975182 2 años atrás
So what's your solution to fixing "the system"?
neveronground 4 años atrás
Learning requires work, but not all work produces learning.
weiahe 4 años atrás
I can't tell if this is satire. Effective learning obviously requires constant mental effort and hard work

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