
This quote fue agregado por theironmuto
DO NOT SKIP THIS QUOTE! This quote has some things that maybe you will appreciate. So even if you don't want to type, maybe just read this and it will brighten your day up just a little bit. Do you ever just want to go to the quote menu and look at them? Well, I do. I think that this website isn't just about typing, I think it's also about learning new things and listening to other people's opinions and thoughts about things in the world. You people are amazing with your quotes.

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user491757 142.70 96.8%
ticalaking 91.34 92.5%
hellawildtyper 61.90 93.4%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user491757 142.70 96.8%
hellawildtyper 61.90 93.4%
ticalaking 91.34 92.5%