Jenna Vernol

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Short hair is better than long hair because it is cooler and more comfortable. People with short hair can always put on a wig, but long hair cannot be taken off for comfort.

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jasmine004 3 años, 6 meses atrás
From the people I hear, Wigs are actually not comfortable. They itch, they're not adjusted right, and so on. And if you wanted to wear a wig with long hair, all you have to do is pin it up. That argument doesn't stand. Although long hair may not be able to withstand heat, you can still put it up in a tight bun or pony tail. Long hair works out as pretty much anything.
smokemifugottem 3 años, 11 meses atrás
Nope! Long hair is rad as shit because it always looks better on men and women alike (my opinion). People with long hair can get it cut if they want it shorter but with short hair you have to wait forever!

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