
This quote fue agregado por sabronk
I realize that there is a quote category on this website where I get awards for submitting quotes. So, I suppose this will be my first post. Maybe it will be easy to type through, or maybe it will be a challenging endeavor. I'll have to include some extra tricky words... otherwise how will you improve?

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petrolfume 90.89 93.5%
user93811 90.59 97.1%
user209747 79.86 93.8%
engl3king06 75.68 93.8%
wanna_be_typist 72.05 94.4%
user85658 65.73 94.4%
user828295 63.68 97.7%
lostinthesauce 62.14 94.1%
typistqui 44.89 96.5%
hannah.poe 36.22 93.5%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
engl3king06 75.68 93.8%
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shakil787 25.40 94.7%
hannah.poe 36.22 93.5%
user828295 63.68 97.7%