Typing is relaxing - Anonymous keyhero user

This quote fue agregado por cj.blas
Whenever I need something to help me destress, I typically go to typing test websites because typing helps me feel calm. Though I do get annoyed at times due to the fact that I'm not reaching the WPM I am aiming for, typing helps to calm my nerves when I'm having a bad day.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
geryjs 102.59 94.8%
falsesu 75.04 97.2%
fondtermite 74.64 94.2%
user555555 67.01 96.1%
user349339 63.72 96.8%
maadj 58.65 91.6%
user984949 47.54 95.1%
user522124 42.26 94.2%
ceflolop 32.64 93.2%
deepak02 21.94 96.1%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
maadj 58.65 91.6%
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deepak02 21.94 96.1%
user555555 67.01 96.1%
user522124 42.26 94.2%
user984949 47.54 95.1%
falsesu 75.04 97.2%
geryjs 102.59 94.8%