All test - Tay chee siong

This quote fue agregado por taycheesiong
Rectangle and square and triangle and circle and red and blue and green and yellow and orange and purple and black and white and brown and rainbow and pink and dark and gold and silver and gold and black and white.

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user210693 129.85 100%
user717489 108.98 90.3%
user93100 100.09 94.3%
nuclearreaction 98.91 91.8%
user536094 91.57 96.4%
typester123 90.37 98.6%
user96068 87.07 95.5%
rashkae 83.18 96.5%
mona1955 77.43 98.6%
lushi01 72.56 94.7%

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user210693 129.85 100%
rashkae 83.18 96.5%
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