
This quote fue agregado por rayosx
Perhaps in our lifetimes, we will discover why we were born, but as I sit here in my chair typing away, the purpose becomes less apparent as it was when we were children. Dreams rotting away while we mindlessly type quotes.

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

bunholey 4 meses atrás
Damn.. personally attacked.
user970168 2 años atrás
That's dark...
poop 2 años, 8 meses atrás
for real though

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Nombre PPM Precisión
poop 167.94 98.7%
berryberryberry 163.36 98.7%
user871724 155.39 95.7%
69buttpractice 144.26 99.6%
penguino_beano 144.21 96.1%
toinfinity 138.38 95.7%
thorgott2 137.90 95.8%
tang 137.51 96.1%
iltranscendent 136.80 99.6%
arrathore 135.27 99.6%

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user871724 155.39 95.7%
jesicabryan 36.01 89.9%
muhpyz 77.36 98.7%
user508247 88.17 94.5%