Competing my dad. - Neils

This quote fue agregado por nyls
I just spent a few minutes typing out random quotes. I have been typing for a few years and today I decided to challenge my dad who has learned how to type from professionals. I won by a large scale, but he thought that the test was unfair, as it would not let him move past his typos. But I had already won and decided to boast about my achievement.

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slowtyper237 6 meses atrás
When you are young, you boast. And later, you despair, as they are old now; and their weakness is a prophecy of demise.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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thorgott2 162.05 98.9%
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berryberryberry 143.68 95.2%
feuv 143.31 98.0%
arrathore 141.81 96.7%
user291759 135.04 98.6%
mrlazav 133.50 97.5%
user74592 131.52 97.8%

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user717322 24.30 94.1%
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