Rule #1 - the list

This quote fue agregado por helgium
The recording must have a previous attempt and entire death animation shown before the completion, unless the completion is on the first attempt. Everyplay records are exempt from this.

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user871724 145.63 93.6%
penguino_beano 133.50 95.4%
user491757 127.23 96.4%
mafuso 121.98 98.4%
rivendellis 114.33 93.9%
yosafatyeo 111.50 98.9%
coltdriver 109.16 97.9%
user68438 102.39 94.4%
roops 102.20 98.4%
theprivateeye 98.86 88.9%

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user68438 102.39 94.4%
ephemeralwildflower 92.61 94.4%
trishadgk 73.12 83.0%
user99861 61.15 96.9%