
This quote fue agregado por admin04
When you first start on your typing adventure it is important to know that speed isn't the most important thing in the world, that title belongs to accuracy. If you slow down your typing and pay special attention to your accuracy, Your speed will automatically increase. Have fun typing!

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user871724 167.31 88.7%
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ykqian 91.64 97.3%
keyhero20 91.63 95.7%
user415839 91.43 90.5%
justanothertyper 89.21 93.8%
mackandzie 88.11 95.7%
historialdirect 85.40 93.8%
kaylaleighhay 80.82 96.0%
dtsitlak 80.13 92.3%

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mackandzie 88.11 95.7%
jtwamley 72.90 95.3%
dtsitlak 80.13 92.3%