reverse psychology isn't real - INSTANTANEOUS DEATH

This quote fue agregado por username153928
This is an easy quote. It would be a shame if you messed up and you were typing this in instant death mode. If you're not in instant death mode, it would still be a shame if you made a lot of errors for some odd reason. This is a good quote to get a high score on. The dachshund played joyfully.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
shaikkamarul 90.01 97.7%
user103663 89.85 97.7%
ephemeralwildflower 86.96 94.9%
lacsaokarylle08 86.77 94.6%
lemi11ion 86.69 94.9%
donoshea 80.73 89.7%
pjmj 77.85 99.0%
fueledbypanda 74.14 92.8%
user97848 73.52 91.6%
lumberlyactions 71.59 93.4%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
shaikkamarul 90.01 97.7%
smartbadger 61.93 96.1%
pjmj 77.85 99.0%
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user107017 33.84 94.3%
fueledbypanda 74.14 92.8%
shaikkamarul 78.57 96.7%
user97848 73.52 91.6%