reverse psychology isn't real - INSTANTANEOUS DEATH

This quote fue agregado por username153928
This is an easy quote. It would be a shame if you messed up and you were typing this in instant death mode. If you're not in instant death mode, it would still be a shame if you made a lot of errors for some odd reason. This is a good quote to get a high score on. The dachshund played joyfully.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user851491 118.57 94.6%
trishadgk 116.31 99.0%
jsaechao 113.25 92.8%
afminto 112.26 97.0%
geryjs 108.41 97.0%
lynchrobinson 103.75 95.5%
lpm14 100.46 94.9%
npabs 100.22 97.0%
francisdatiles4 100.09 95.2%
kyle_w 98.32 92.5%

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trishadgk 116.31 99.0%
marco4n4 89.86 93.7%
john_smith 81.56 98.7%
spelling_error 61.10 97.7%