Don't Judge Me - Jequita Johnson

This quote fue agregado por user44159
If I don't look, talk, smell, feel, or see the way you do, don't judge me; for I am not a loner but an independent person. I like what I like, look the way I do, feel the way I feel, and see the way I see; because I am me. So don't you dare judge me for not being you. Judge me for what I CAN do.

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teilo 10 años, 7 meses atrás
Who are you to tell me whom I may and may not judge? You are passing judgment on me when you tell me that it is wrong for me to judge you.
leam_goddess 10 años, 9 meses atrás
Or don't judge me at all, all judgements come from the conditioned mind. The mind is blind.
afbwelter 11 años atrás
You may have copied the quote wrong or something. I don't know what it is but the quote was grammatically incorrect.

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