How to Submit a Quote - Connor

This quote fue agregado por connorarbiter
I am so pretentious. Look at me. I found the longest most droll and boring quote I could because that makes me feel deep and intelligent. I will be sure that the quote uses various quotation marks and other unconventional or even incorrect punctuation without even realizing how useless my contribution to the site will be. I will also put an entire page of a book into this, because everyone loves typing such long and boring nonsense that should not be used to measure one's average typing speed.

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

mad410 3 años, 6 meses atrás
what do you mean, contribution

it's not even that

it's just arrogant
vmlm 9 años, 10 meses atrás
The most ironic aspect of the brash young critic's rant at defensive intellectualism was the utter lack of acknowledgement of his own defensive intellectualism.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
vmlm 100.31 98.2%
roginn 95.81 99.2%
prodigy5723 89.53 98.0%
supachai_pay 75.13 96.6%
chinchillita 73.13 97.1%
jstott90 70.05 97.0%
goneb 59.10 98.4%
nathanielsun 59.07 96.8%
maartenfb 58.02 96.2%
dannyshep1108 56.89 97.4%

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saif007 27.47 97.4%
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roginn 95.81 99.2%
marcosegregorian 55.80 95.6%
maartenfb 58.02 96.2%