Days Ahead - Eyzza Gonzalez

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In the morning, the sky looks like a giant gray stripe. Later on, it could be a brilliant clear white, and then brings the mid-day sunlight. My favorite of all would be Aztec Gold or Prada Red, like the beautiful sunset. The darkness sets in, and all awake head to bed. The rooster crows and behold, the dawn light lights up the sky, as the night cries 'Good-bye'.

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abhi_1502 10 años, 1 mes atrás
in the morning . the skylooks like a giant gray strip. later on it could be a brilliant clear white , and then brings the mid-day sunlight.
But my favorite of all would be Aztec gold. Or maybe Prada red, like the beautiful sunset. The night sets in, and all awake head to bed. Ans behold , the dawn light brights up the sky, As the night sky was ways good-bye.

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