Funny - Adolf Hitler

This quote a été ajouté par user58085
"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach." Adolf Hitler.

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inw_typer 170.00 100%
marchtoglory 127.72 99.4%
vmlm 97.62 94.6%
dante-didit 95.07 98.7%
kensmom825 95.03 98.1%
jezpher 88.81 87.8%
akumajc 84.69 94.6%
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digitalis 75.08 95.7%
huddyl 71.62 95.7%

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user107089 35.63 90.8%
dante-didit 95.07 98.7%
rabeca_choudary 55.24 95.7%
slanter59 62.97 96.3%
jezpher 88.81 87.8%
user430679 36.23 82.8%
user233753 69.61 94.6%
marchtoglory 127.72 99.4%