No other way - Pablo Neruda

This quote a été ajouté par evergreen
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride. So I love you because I know no other way than this.

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type-away21 12 années, 10 mois avant
Hey, I love this quote.
stickybear13 12 années, 10 mois avant
Misspellings in the quote trip you up when you are trying to type.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
samuraininja 138.73 93.9%
nightdevil 134.70 97.1%
dcb87 132.47 100%
user40438 128.73 99.4%
munchkinbug 125.43 100%
ilovejujubee 125.17 98.3%
strikeemblem 124.90 98.3%
mrsjsmiley 123.55 99.4%
boyfrombangladesh 123.01 99.4%

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hugoturnerdede 90.11 98.8%
mnoland05 61.92 97.7%
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thanyou 97.05 96.0%
user108043 109.56 96.1%
andrew2002 92.30 100%
acer1976 56.25 86.2%
dcb87 132.47 100%