Your favorite - Jane X.

This quote a été ajouté par xingdom
Here's a nice and short quote for you to type. The words are balanced between both hands. I hope you get a new high score from typing this. Have a wonderful day.

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jellyfish1232 1 année, 3 mois avant
ignore the salty beotches that commented. this is a great quote <3
slowtyper237 4 années, 2 mois avant
<3 you have wunderfal day Too
vladimirdagreat 4 années, 6 mois avant
Pointless quote oi, like bruh ur not even good oi
vladimirdagreat 4 années, 6 mois avant
Pointless quote oi, like bruh ur not even good oi
evilpcx 4 années, 6 mois avant
For some reason, that quote has to be one of the quote I'm the worst at.
xotripleg 4 années, 9 mois avant
Well, I would say this was not a easy quote. It is a use one at that. But I needed it so thanks.
caitlinmarie94 4 années, 10 mois avant
What up with the pointless so-called quotes?
kiriiya 4 années, 10 mois avant
This quote is garbage.

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user871724 172.62 98.2%
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ksahn81xxx7 149.81 98.8%
penguino_beano 147.84 98.2%
km172123 146.72 100%
hiramisu 145.99 97.0%
aight 145.72 96.4%

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persei7 88.00 98.8%
user420192 112.17 97.0%
user420192 118.15 98.8%