typing test online 5 minutes

Michael Johnson

This typing test online 5 minutes was added by tpurch
It is clearly not the journey for everyone. People succeed in as many ways as there are people. Some can be completely fulfilled with destinations that are much closer to home and more comfortable. But if you long to keep going, then I hope you are able to follow my lead to the places I have gone. To within a whisper of your own personal perfection. To places at the very edge of your dreams.

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Best scores for this typing test online 5 minutes

Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 178.87 96.1%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
lisasimpsons 135.39 99.2%
samuraininja 134.83 96.3%
fourtetcrush 134.68 99.2%
railker 132.46 99.2%
analord87 130.63 98.0%
briann 129.40 99.2%
ilovejujubee 126.95 98.3%
corey 124.35 99.2%

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orish123 65.45 95.4%
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kyle_w 111.61 96.6%
jbw0812 81.89 94.3%