Camara Laye

This quote was added by cminiy
It was like watching the growth of a great genealogical tree that spread its branches far and wide and flourished its boughs and twigs before my eyes.

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prodipdas 1 month, 3 weeks ago
It was like watching the growth of a great genealogical tree that spread its branches far and wide and flourished its boughs and twigs before my eyes.It was like watching the growth of a great genealogical tree that spread its branches far and wide and flourished its boughs and twigs before my eyes.It was like watching the growth of a great genealogical tree that spread its branches far and wide and flourished its boughs and twigs before my eyes.It was like watching the growth of a great genealogical tree that spread its branches far and wide and flourished its boughs and twigs before my eyes.It was like watching the growth of a great genealogical tree that spread its branches far and wide and flourished its boughs and twigs before my eyes.It was like watching the growth of a great genealogical tree that spread its branches far and wide and flourished its boughs and twigs before my eyes.

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