Hikigaya Hachiman - Oregairu

This quote was added by hydrangeaa
Everyone has something they hold dear, something they never want to lose. That's why they pretend. That's why they hide the truth. And that's why they lie.

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user871724 201.89 99.4%
seanasaur 167.37 100%
u557051 156.90 98.7%
sampleboy 154.70 100%
ltfigs 150.57 98.7%
mentalist 148.16 100%
am4sian 147.14 98.7%
sluggish357 146.69 100%
koda 146.32 98.1%
gracekosten 146.31 95.7%

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procrastinating 125.33 100%
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adriana-b 69.80 94.0%
flackboard 103.93 95.1%
sunitavet1234 54.37 97.5%