Friedrich Nietzsche

This quote was added by user809700
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he himself thereby become a monster... and when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

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typin_ 155.02 94.5%
user37933 150.85 96.3%
munoko 150.76 100%
user871724 150.00 91.8%
u557051 149.23 97.5%
missarkansas 145.04 99.4%
gracekosten 145.02 99.4%
mrv514 143.78 98.1%
dopaminex 143.14 94.5%
crazyrussiandude 142.62 100%

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ldybeast05 84.89 94.5%
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samlolmas 57.02 98.1%
brent1107 65.47 97.5%