Sylvester Stalone (Rocky)

This quote was added by llynx
Nobody is gonna hit you as hard as life, but it ain't how hard you can hit. It's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It's how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.

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daviesh 4 years ago
Great quote.

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treemeister 166.46 100%
richarizard 163.64 96.3%
hiramisu 162.01 100%
u557051 156.18 97.7%
sampleboy 154.31 99.5%
imstaken 153.86 99.5%
user295704 153.56 99.1%
feuv 151.95 99.5%
gracekosten 150.74 96.8%
mothertrucker 150.42 100%

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rootmash 48.46 95.5%
user110484 43.09 91.7%
vivaelreytoday 104.15 98.1%
user843630 110.56 97.7%