The Mirror of Maybe - Midnight Blue

This quote was added by mskachilds
Unfortunately, visiting Albus Dumbledore was a bit like attending the Mad Hatter's tea party - the only thing you were ever sure of was that tea would be involved in it somewhere.

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 165.63 97.3%
seanasaur 146.46 100%
wolfram 141.20 96.8%
stormspirit97 131.93 95.7%
ksahn81xxx7 129.90 94.2%
gordonlew 128.39 99.4%
zhangaloser 127.37 94.2%
alv_gr8 127.14 98.4%
hiramisu 124.85 96.8%
ksnapp87 124.45 99.4%

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user111523 18.53 98.9%
user111832 25.80 93.2%
hiramisu 124.85 96.8%
magesh 77.31 95.2%
kobo 64.86 90.4%
jessicarusso416 87.86 95.7%
linda104825 62.98 93.2%
gordonlew 108.05 95.2%