Small Gods - Terry Pratchett

This quote was added by aqquila89
There are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that cannot easily be duplicated by a normal, kindly family man who just comes in to work every day and has a job to do.

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typin_ 162.92 98.4%
seanasaur 155.88 100%
kobo 145.14 90.9%
prickman 140.61 100%
user491757 136.42 98.9%
limen 135.33 96.8%
stillow 133.66 100%
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k8thegr81 131.61 100%
phraznikov 130.15 100%

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aynjle89 91.98 96.8%
ryno4117 84.82 91.8%
kolowie 67.18 91.8%