Tap Titans 2 (34) - Rofel

This quote was added by rofel
With no other options, Sword Master gathered all of their inner strength into one last effort: a wish. Miraculously, the chains that bound Sword Master were broken by a falling star.

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user871724 143.43 94.3%
lome 133.28 99.5%
gordonlew 122.79 100%
jacqueline1234 110.63 97.3%
user420192 104.72 98.9%
dante-didit 102.96 97.3%
saraannehopperr 101.76 97.8%
geryjs 99.92 95.3%
lynchrobinson 96.49 95.3%
user104405 96.03 99.5%

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namnes 34.94 88.8%
duwang 83.10 97.3%
kay 70.83 97.3%