Tap Titans 2 (51) - Rofel

This quote was added by rofel
In order to prove her strength, and the sincerity of her people's wish for unity, Sophia must retrieve the orbs of Earth, Water and Fire and offer them to the houses as a token of peace.

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Name WPM Accuracy
pontoko 115.15 93.9%
jacqueline1234 112.26 97.4%
user98852 102.78 97.4%
joshr 101.59 98.9%
user75915 96.21 97.9%
user108043 93.34 95.9%
user61248 92.32 98.9%
hunterz1200 91.73 93.9%
garry.dorry 89.88 94.4%
andyanchovy 88.83 95.9%

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user470790 88.18 98.9%
user111547 67.85 94.9%
user110497 26.20 90.7%
gabbygarza07gg 34.48 97.4%
gabbygarza07gg 29.64 94.4%