
This quote was added by shirel_monet
El sabio no carece de nada, y sin embargo necesita de muchas cosas; por el contrario, el necio no necesita nada, porque nada sabe usar, pero carece de todo.

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Name WPM Accuracy
yogurt 173.00 99.4%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
vkpb 156.27 97.5%
dasnam 149.19 99.4%
user214256 147.83 92.9%
vnamavi 146.11 100%
awdfull 144.20 100%
leest 140.17 99.4%
grabiela 132.99 100%
full 130.54 94.0%

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victorvidalcp 70.32 95.7%
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user110725 31.16 90.2%
efrain17 77.01 98.1%
user111524 59.79 96.9%
franlael 99.83 95.7%
user108879 77.62 96.9%