The Boy and The Egg - Domain119

This quote was added by domain119
Once upon a time, far far away, there was a boy named Sam. His best friend was an egg that he had raised since he was five! All of a sudden, his egg grew legs and jumped off of the dresser of which he was sat upon.

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 160.32 93.9%
user871724 139.23 99.1%
treemeister 139.10 96.8%
user74592 117.04 99.5%
xraygoggles 107.74 97.3%
colincastle1234 103.32 96.4%
strikeemblem 102.00 97.3%
ellxi39 101.45 98.2%
zalyx 101.13 95.1%
user86374 98.60 99.5%

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Name WPM Accuracy
marcpia 44.12 84.8%
mnoland05 58.46 97.7%
user468593 73.69 94.7%
ellxi39 101.45 98.2%
user111772 27.44 97.3%
magesh 88.22 95.5%
mmacdowell1028 31.61 86.6%
hellawildtyper 72.50 96.0%