Moon Over Soho - Ben Aaronovitch

This quote was added by indigochaos
One thing for certain, Abigail who lived up the road was going on my watch list. In fact, I was going to create a watch list just so I could put Abigail.

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Name WPM Accuracy
bunniexo 169.07 98.3%
ibnadam 169.03 99.6%
ibnadam 169.03 99.6%
ibnadam 169.03 99.6%
ibnadam 169.03 99.6%
penguino_beano 164.65 100%
user871724 159.24 93.3%
typin_ 155.88 95.0%
user491757 153.58 100%
venerated 148.64 100%

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900ft 47.29 88.4%
trishadgk 91.71 90%
bandar_77_b 53.08 90%
user103663 92.84 100%
jgdude 99.07 95.6%
mariadulce.taclas 41.48 90.5%
jgdude 102.46 94.4%
adriana-b 69.74 96.9%