Brie Larson - gamora

This quote was added by gamoraaaa
I don't think there is anything wrong with Brie Larson. Everyone seems to have something against her, but she's just a woman who says the things on her mind. Give her a break.

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Name WPM Accuracy
mgraham 87.06 93.6%
js88 62.13 94.1%
user963425 48.13 96.7%
user717094 31.69 96.7%
user717094 31.69 96.7%
user107401 24.76 95.1%

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user717094 31.69 96.7%
user717094 31.69 96.7%
user107401 24.76 95.1%
js88 62.13 94.1%
mgraham 87.06 93.6%
user963425 48.13 96.7%