
This quote was added by catrice
Failure can happen to anyone. Hard work and talent increase your chances at success, but nothing can guarantee it. It is time to destigmatize failure!

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Name WPM Accuracy
bunniexo 157.11 98.0%
user871724 155.16 85.7%
berryberryberry 154.97 95.6%
user491757 146.15 100%
hemo7 143.08 100%
toinfinity 141.71 98.7%
69buttpractice 138.29 98.7%
khallabuk 137.92 100%
alliekarakosta 134.15 100%
kwiswis 131.97 98.0%

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user420192 102.16 96.8%
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whhow2 59.10 91.5%
user110835 26.55 96.8%
user110649 29.83 96.2%
afminto 100.68 94.3%
lumberlyactions 67.23 92.1%