It Goes Without Saying - Shawn Spencer

This quote was added by matthew02
What isn't clear is why people always say it goes without saying, yet still feel compelled to say the thing that was supposed to go without saying. Doesn't that bother you?

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lenoriteflipped 1 year ago
I feel like "It goes without saying" can be like a passive aggressive rhetoric. It is a commentary on the people/person it does not, so subtly or frictionlessly "go without saying"
matthew02 2 years ago
That quote is a rhetorical statement from a TV comedy. It's an exaggerated grievance, a snarky comment humorous in its original context. Even divorced from the context, there is no mention of "ban[ning]" anything. Sorry for inadvertently stoking your pet peeve, friend. I'm just trying to relax and enjoy this life, dodging drama everywhere I can.
dcb87 2 years, 1 month ago
No, it doesn't. It's a rhetorical device. Do you want to also ban "it's obvious/evident/clear/patent that...", "we all know that...", "everybody agrees that...", "it is undeniable that...", etc.? What bugs me, however, is people mindlessly complaining about these things (not the first time I come across this one, btw.). Anyway, I hope that answer your question :-)

P.S. Not 100% confident about the placement of the commas between the quotations there, so feel free to comment on it if you think they're wrong.

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