Bhagyashree Kumar

This quote was added by bhagyashree05
I always dreamed about a life that was happier than it is. I also dreamed of a life that is beautiful and charming. Without both happy and sad feelings, the world would have been boring.

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user871724 182.09 96.4%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 142.80 99.5%
andrbroo1 136.12 99.5%
ilovejujubee 134.17 98.9%
storm_in_a_teacup 131.77 99.5%
munchkinbug 130.12 97.9%
stringerbell 128.56 97.9%
iltranscendent 128.52 98.9%
chrisjunlee 128.48 98.4%

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kobo 68.16 91.2%
user109926 102.47 100%