Some courage - Some person

This quote was added by bigbrainman420
I don't know if I got the idea for this quote from this site, if I'm ripping it right off of somebody else, but I want to remind you that no matter what you are going through, sorrow, happiness, or if you aren't even paying attention to what you are typing right now, that there are others on this site and in your world that will share that with you.

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guest._. 3 years, 1 month ago
Easy quote to type, sad that I pulled a wirtual :(
junjunsanop 3 years, 4 months ago
ty bro

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user871724 186.52 97.8%
venerated 164.05 97.2%
user491757 160.41 97.0%
hiramisu 156.26 98.9%
lirich90 151.49 100%
thelastolympian11 150.87 97.8%
69buttpractice 150.46 99.4%
guest._. 150.06 95.4%
iltranscendent 149.66 100%
bennyues 149.45 99.2%

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user105219 98.07 98.0%
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adriana-b 72.30 94.6%
thecrazydane2 93.79 92.9%
jmann1234 91.52 95.6%