Music I Like to Listen to While Typing - Some Random Dude

This quote was added by brohammer
As I type I like to listen to vaporwave or music that invokes nostalgia. It really set the mood when your typing a quote from an famous person you don't know instead doing work or studying for an exam. Especially at night.

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Name WPM Accuracy
forkhunter 128.68 96.1%
herdicher 93.47 96.9%
user104405 93.11 98.7%
rrapattoni 85.43 93.7%
user366833 78.34 95.7%
miaka 65.89 94.5%
user47726 64.06 96.1%
arko 61.81 96.9%
cattype123 61.38 96.1%
saur1080 58.30 95.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user104405 93.11 98.7%
rrapattoni 85.43 93.7%
saur1080 58.30 95.3%
user47726 64.06 96.1%
user366833 78.34 95.7%
arko 61.81 96.9%
herdicher 89.93 96.5%
herdicher 93.47 96.9%