Beautiful Garden - Dante

This quote was added by user653174
Instead of chasing butterflies, build a garden and turn it into something magnificent. If the butterflies don't come, you'll still be left with a beautiful garden.

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user871724 170.99 88.7%
venerated 155.70 98.2%
forkhunter 153.32 99.4%
user491757 144.74 100%
iltranscendent 139.27 100%
user381085 137.81 100%
promethes 136.37 100%
strikeemblem 133.51 99.4%
rivendellis 129.77 97.6%
ludbee 127.37 100%

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user340307 67.78 94.2%
trishadgk 112.01 97.0%
trishadgk 117.49 98.2%