Everything, Everywhere, All At Once - Evelyn

This quote was added by bellaboo050
You are not unlovable. There is always something to love. Even in a stupid, stupid universe, where we have hot dogs for fingers, we get very good with our feet.

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bobwizard67 1 year, 6 months ago
such a good movie

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user871724 156.36 96.4%
user491757 155.84 99.4%
user291759 150.51 98.2%
promethes 146.74 100%
alkos 146.34 100%
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toinfinity 144.17 97.0%
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thorgott2 137.80 98.8%
afminto 137.27 99.4%

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persei7 63.07 91.5%
lings 60.49 97.6%
toinfinity 144.17 97.0%