CoPy ThIs QuOtE - Obama

This quote was added by ploshqueme
I want to attempt to make this quote the only quote you can find on this website. I want everybody to create this quote so that the only quote we find is this one...

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 155.88 93.3%
marco4n4 117.61 96.5%
user832052 69.72 91.3%
msrlescharles 50.30 97.6%
user107381 44.81 98.2%

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Name WPM Accuracy
msrlescharles 50.30 97.6%
user871724 155.88 93.3%
user107381 44.81 98.2%
marco4n4 117.61 96.5%
user832052 69.72 91.3%