Anthem - Ayn Rand

This quote was added by user23846
"We are one ... alone ... and only ... and we love you who are one ... alone ... and only." We looked into each other's eyes and we knew that the breath of a miracle had touched us, and fled, and left us groping vainly.

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afbwelter 11 years, 8 months ago
I skipped your quote the last two times I came across it and this time I grudgingly allowed the quote to take it's course. I was happy to come here and be the third fastest person to finish the quote, but that is because anyone else that is faster that really cares about their WPM is not going to put up with such an obnoxious quote. I want you to know that you have caused me anger, so that you may never make a quote like this again.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
hiramisu 118.85 94.4%
strikeemblem 106.46 95.3%
user660825 102.47 93.2%
kyle_w 100.86 96.9%
gwaldrop 100.63 96.9%
trishadgk 95.71 92.4%
statusmeco 95.70 96.8%
space_cadet 94.40 94.0%
smty 94.25 98.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 106.46 95.3%
user409662 74.05 94.8%
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breadrunner 53.72 86.2%
hellawildtyper 69.18 92.8%
user109853 70.25 92.8%