J K Rowling

This quote was added by theekshana456
Working hard is important, but what matters even more is believing in yourself. Every great wizard in history has started just like this, students, if they can do it, why not us?

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typin_ 185.37 98.3%
user871724 170.54 97.8%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
wolfram 151.64 100%
sebbychan 144.78 99.4%
forkhunter 143.56 97.3%
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ilovejujubee 138.12 100%
turnthemoon 136.84 100%
bodyriddle 136.14 100%

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adriana-b 78.44 98.3%
user111413 45.33 90.4%
user90997 89.97 90.4%
user871724 158.46 97.8%