Life - unknown

This quote was added by user48325
Life is one big never ending game, we move from one piece of holy ground to the next... seeking something we don't understand and probably never will.

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teil0 9 years, 10 months ago
He who says too much says nothing.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
rezai 161.67 99.3%
nightdevil 159.21 95.5%
missarkansas 157.01 100%
stormspirit97 156.48 98.7%
venerated 154.89 100%
u557051 151.94 99.3%
typin_ 149.90 98.0%
treemeister 149.12 99.3%
pogface 148.96 98.0%

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lynchrobinson 119.22 93.2%
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user110706 68.60 89.3%
adriana-b 79.80 98.0%
geryjs 109.78 96.8%
miwevy 38.51 95.5%
adriana-b 65.90 95.5%