Do you press left or right shift key for the uppcase F?

By skygate - updated: 5 years, 11 months ago - 14 messages

For me it is a bit awkward to press the right shift key, so I press the left one most of the time. Maybe I have been doing it wrong?
By sabertooth - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

I have a weird typing style. My right hand placement is normal, but my left one is shifted one key to the left. I probably acquired this due to a lot of gaming (WASD key hand placement).

Because of this, all my letters are capitalized using the left shift key. I never use the right one lol. This is probably less efficient than the ordinary 10-finger typing style, but I still manage to achieve an average of 90-110 WPM.
By adam1234 - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

If you type normally on qwerty, than you should use the right shift key. You always want to use the opposite shift key to the letter key you are pushing. Good question!
By skygate - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for clarifying, Adam. I guess I'll have to practice my right pinky finger. XD
By cats12345 - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

It depends on what hand is you are comfortable with. If you want to use the left or right shift for uppercase F, it depends on you. What people teach you in school (if you have tech class) is two sections so you would normally use the pinky finger for shift to use f but if you are comfortable for using the other, go ahead and do it.
By translucent - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

I use the left shift key to capitalize the F. It is a bad habit of mine to only use the left shift. I am trying to fix this :)
By team_ohio - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

Same! :) Good Brains think alike! LOL!
By bullett - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

A good site to practice capitalized words is, activate (Enable Capital Letters) on the settings.
By team_ohio - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

I sometimes use that Website and you practice your letters and then you can try to beat people in multiplayer!
By team_ohio - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

Are you like a typing pro??
By team_ohio - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

Hi I like to Type in computer class at my school and always get Extra Credit for typing without the teacher saying i should so sometimes i use and sometimes this website! Just saying on this website i wrote 2 quotes.( my Author name is: Some Person ) :)
By team_ohio - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

I am sometimes a really a slow typer but sometimes really fast my slowest WPM is 40 and my fastes is 102 WMP
For shift i have a really weird style of doing my shifts I would usually just take my Left pinky ( because i am a righty)
and usually press it though is that ok?
By team_ohio - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

For i made a link to it just saying
By team_ohio - posted: 5 years, 11 months ago

Hello people of this site welcome if you are new i am kinda new because i played as a guess first then made my own account. I like to practice on the longer quotes and discovered a glitch that should be taken out the glitch is that if you get like a really bad accuracy you can backspace then type the whole thing again and get a better accuracy!