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This is literally a quote from a short story about someone who commits crimes using …

You are the sunlight that rose again in my life. A reincarnation of my childhood …

You've perfectly described the word 'sonder' - the profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including …

Icy L.T.
How can one say "Live, laugh, and love" then immediately follow with "Be different"? That …

bruisedhedonist, periods are supposed to be in quotations.


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M.Kundera - The Farewell Party
Every person should be given a poison tablet on the day he or she reaches maturity. A solemn ceremony should accompany this presentation. Not in order to lure people to suicide. On the contrary, to let them live in greater peace and security. To let everybody live with the certainty that they are lords and masters of their own life and death.