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Henry Rollins
You. Yes, you. Go get some sleep.

Jessica Nite
Bro, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a break every once in a while. If your wrist …

Albert Einstein
I don't even know how to type the ² in the test as copy paste …

Alexia Orozco
De acuerdo.

Nice, m'kay!


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fededc - Marcha Club Atletico Rosario Central (fragmento)
Te aplaude y te saluda jubilosa, la hinchada deportiva que te admira. Campeón de cien jornadas victoriosas, valiente triunfador que orgullo inspira. El símbolo auriazul de tu divisa, se enciende y resplandece como el sol, cada vez que la cancha se electriza al estallar de la victoria el "gol." Rosario Central forjador de campeones. Con Rosario Central vibran los corazones, corazones rosarinos que te aclaman y que tus glorias de entusiasmo inflaman.

fededc - Superman didn't become Superman - Kill Bill Vol. II
What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent? He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race.