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This is literally a quote from a short story about someone who commits crimes using …

You are the sunlight that rose again in my life. A reincarnation of my childhood …

You've perfectly described the word 'sonder' - the profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including …

Icy L.T.
How can one say "Live, laugh, and love" then immediately follow with "Be different"? That …

bruisedhedonist, periods are supposed to be in quotations.


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Yoshimura - One Eyed Owl Tokyo Ghoul
The act of taking is equally evil. We, from the moment of birth, continue to take. Food, connections, even fellow blood. Living to the utmost. Continuing to slaughter, kill, take. Life is to constantly sin. Life is evil itself. I am aware I am evil... And so are you all. Now, come kill me and, I shall do the same.